Testosterone is the main male hormone on which many functions of the body depend. Unhealthy habits, improper diet and stress are his main "enemies." Even a slight decrease in testosterone levels in the blood affects the quality of life, and in the absence of treatment and correction can lead to serious health problems: gynecomastia, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction, fatigue and apathy. It is known that testosterone, in addition to its important role in sexual function, regulates metabolism, participates in the immune system, improves blood quality.Fortunately, today there are drugs that help raise the hormone level to normal. One of them is Testolan.
What is Testolan
Testolan - the newest pharmacological development with proven effectiveness, which eliminates the negative consequences of a shortage of testosterone and stimulates its synthesis. Thanks to this, the state of health, appearance and masculine health improves.
Compared with other pharmacy products and supplements, Testolan has many advantages:
- fast guaranteed effect;
- natural composition and safety;
- increased immunity;
- increased physical activity;
- elimination of insomnia and depression caused by a deficiency of testosterone;
- increased sexual activity and libido;
- increased endurance and physical strength;
- growth of muscle mass;
- general rejuvenation and improvement of appearance;
- absence of side effects;
- ease of use;
- affordable price.

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90 £ 44.99 £Composition
Testolan has a natural composition and is completely safe for health. Its components in the complex have a pronounced heal-improving effect.
- D-aspartic acid (DAA) - tones up and improves concentration, strengthens muscles, stimulates the production of testosterone, increases libido;
- fenugreek - increases the level of testosterone, beneficially affects libido, lowers blood sugar levels, regulates blood pressure, has anti-inflammatory effect;
- tribulus terrestris (prickly vine) - a well-known from a long time a medicinal plant.Increases testosterone levels, strengthens muscles and increases stamina, regulates urination and blood pressure;
- the root of the Peruvian poppy - a valuable source of trace elements and vitamins, accelerates the growth of muscle mass, beneficially affects sexual function and libido;
- the root of ginseng - stimulates blood circulation, relieves stress, increases libido;
- ashvaganda (combined with sonifer) - improves immunity, slows down the aging process, regulates the balance of hormones;
- seeds of pomegranate - have a rejuvenating effect, have a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, are a source of trace elements and vitamins, increase sexual desire and sexual satisfaction;
- magnesium - increases the level of testosterone, regulates muscle mass;
- phosphatidylserine - improves blood flow, accelerates fat burning, heals the liver, improves blood composition;
- vitamin E - improves sexual pleasure, tones up, rejuvenates, has a beneficial effect on reproductive function;
- Black pepper - strengthens the immune and digestive system, increases stamina.
Instructions for use
To achieve the optimum effect, you need to take Testolan according to the scheme.
- It is recommended to drink 2 capsules twice a day.
- Drink a glass of water.
- The standard course of application of Testolan is 1 month. After a break, the course can be repeated if necessary.

Expert recall
Jeroen, endocrinologist (Netherlands):
"The level of testosterone in men decreases annually by 1%, starting at the age of 30. Also, testosterone levels are adversely affected by such harmful habits as smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress.
A low level of this hormone can lead to decreased libido, bone density, anemia and other problems.
To increase the level of testosterone I assign Testolan, which stops the consequences of reduced hormone production. Testolan regulates the hormonal balance naturally and safely."

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90 £ 44.99 £Customer Reviews
Erik, 50 years old (Sweden):
"Recent years have seen a decrease in libido, constant fatigue. Wife sent to the endocrinologist. Analyzes showed a decrease in testosterone levels. The doctor recommended a new Testolan tool for normalizing the hormonal balance. I drank the course of the drug and noticed the result: with sex everything was fine, less tired. Analyzes came back to normal."

Krzysztof, 38 years (Poland):
"I have been doing sports for many years, I eat right, but in the last year I noticed that the desire to lose, the erection got worse. The analysis for hormones showed a decrease in testosterone. I was about to go to the doctor, but a friend advised me to try the natural preparation Testolan. After a month of use, testosterone returned to normal, the libido recovered."